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The Missing Package

Mission Type Search and Rescue

Players: 4-6

Date and Time of run: Jul. 29 18:00 PST


A corporate recruiter looks out of place in The Last Match, but he doesn't seem to care. He just asks the patrons,"Anyone looking for some work?" He passes out an old school, physical business card to anyone who wants one. It reads: Mr. Johnson, Club Penumbra. Tonight, 6pm.

Put me in coach. I had been riding the pine for some time here in Seattle when I finally got called for some work. Seems the 405 Hellhounds Stole the “Ke$ah Madonna” from an armored transport, and Mr J wanted it back. We tracked the angry puppies to their hideout and found them deep in the post-game celebration, and jonesing for burritos. We tried several avenues for getting to the ill gotten goods, with my having to club one of the puppies with what would have been a clean double in the gap. Unfortunately The 405’s had a much deeper bench, and we couldn’t break through. We decided to hit the buyer after the pickup. Cue Run and gun battle on the Highway where @Killroy was Here successfully crashed the other vehicle and acquired the prize. Not a bad way to debut in the bigs, here in Seattle. -- Clean-Up

Squatch's Report
>Professor Ḥuhtik, >ƛ̓eekoo for this chance to grow as a Qʷayac̓iik with the referral to Mr. Fixit, he then sent me to The Last Match, which eventually revealed itself as a front for RunnerNET, probably after doing background checks on its patrons. I feel totally out of my element here in the city, I miss the rain forests and suw̓a but I will stay true no matter where I am, this is another challenge, for Qʷayac̓iik to help our home be free of the corrupt despotic Tyee Haʔwiił that turns Qʷayac̓iik into thugs and assassins for his own greed and pride. though there was this cute Orc shaman here being mentored by čiims, went by the name Hail Storm. >RunnerNET posted a "job" that had us meet "Mr. Johnson" at a popular local club, Club Penumbra (5th Avenue and Yesler Way, Downtown District, Seattle), the Shadowrunners negotiated and we had an assignment to retrieve a stolen painting currently in the possession of the 405 Hellhounds gang in Bellevue. The painting was rather famous, The Ke$ha Madonna, and our two-spirited artist ʔiyaał knew about it and that it had been stolen before. The team located the gangs hideout, did surveillance and infiltrated, the team coming to the conclusion that it was better to take the black market buyers of the gang's stolen art in transit than from the gang. The buyers nearly got away but our expert riggers with much specialized encouragement orchestrated a well timed crash and the job was quickly done. We suspect the Mr J is Aztech. Attached is a heavily edited copy of a video of the run from Killroy